Our Services

ADHD Coaching

ADHD coaching helps create awareness of your unique ADHD challenges, behaviors and inner narratives that may be getting in the way of daily life.

Together, we work to understand how ADHD shows up for you, explore techniques that allow you to maximize your ADHD strengths, achieve your goals and live the life you want.

ADHD Coaching can help with:

Executive Function Challenges
Emotional Dysregulation
Planning & Prioritization
Time Management & Organization
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria ( RSD)
Demand Avoidance
Task Initiation and Motivation
Overwhelm & Burnout


Counselling is usually in-depth inner work in a safe, supportive space to help you process thoughts, feelings, relationships and mental health concerns.

These sessions are journeys of self-discovery, positive self-awareness, navigating relational or personal challenges, understanding and healing our past.

Counselling can help you build a better sense of well-being, develop resilience and heal.

Counselling can help with:

PTSD/ Trauma
Self Discovery & Self Esteem
Anger management
Disordered Eating
Grief, Loss & Transitions
Cognitive Flexibility & Distress Tolerance
Discernment / Relationships

Life Coaching

Life Coaching sessions are usually short-term sessions to help you determine and structure specific action plans, build on strengths and stay empowered to reach your goals for personal development, career, relationships, and other areas of life.

Life Coaching can help you transform aspirations into achievements!

Life Coaching can help with:

Achieving Work and Life Goals
Discovering Values and Purpose
Setting Boundaries
Communication Skills
Habit Formation
Parenting/ Relationships
Career Growth
Confidence & Self Esteem
Decision Making
Self Discovery

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